College and
Data Dashboards

College and Career Indicator


This section contains information on how the College and Career Indicator (CCI) is determined.  The CCI for non-DASS high schools is based on the four-year graduation cohort.  LEAs, schools and student groups that have 30 or more students in the four-year graduation cohort will receive a CCI.  The following statewide measures collected at an individual student level are included in the CCI. They are:

  • CTE Pathway Completion
  • Grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in ELA and Mathematics
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams
  • College Credit Course (formerly called Dual Enrollment)
  • a-g Completion
  • State Seal of Biliteracy (New for 2018 Dashboard)
  • Leadership/Military Science (New for 2018 Dashboard)

Benchmark Criteria

An SBE-approved CCI model is used to place the college and career measures across the following three levels:

  • Prepared
  • Approaching Prepared
  • Not Prepared

To calculate the CCI for a school of LEA, a student is assigned to one of the three levels, based on the highest benchmark measurement(s) that they meet.

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CCI Logic Flowchart

The following images show the logical flow of the multiple pathways a student can use to reach the benchmark of being “Prepared”

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