by Colby Smart | Arts, Common Core, Curriculum Development, Foreign Languages, Language Arts, Library, Reference Tools, Science, Social Studies
This site accesses the video/photo collections at the Library of Congress. Site is searchable, and can be linked to standards and lesson plans. visit at:
by Colby Smart | Arts, Curriculum Development, Foreign Languages, Independent Learning, Language Arts, Library, Math, Reference Tools, Science, Social Studies
Site designed to use video presentations and interactive assignments both in and out of the classroom. Use theirs, or create your own. visit at:
by Colby Smart | Assessment, English Language Learners, Games - Educational, Independent Learning, Language Arts
Learn Vocabulary words from Grades 6-12, SAT, GRE or ACT. Visit at:
by Colby Smart | English Language Learners, Foreign Languages, Independent Learning, Language Arts
Digital Dialects website features free to use, online games for learning languages visit at:
by Colby Smart | English Language Learners, Independent Learning, Language Arts, Library, Reference Tools
Recommended through State Department of Education – site for good study guides. visit at: