IMG_2572I’ve been using ClassDojo for close to 3 years.  In my opinion it is the best classroom management/parent communication tool EVER!

ClassDojo helps teachers encourage positive behaviors for their students and easily keeps parents informed.  Each student has their own monster avatar and based on behaviors, teachers will assign positive (and sometimes negative) dojos (points) to.  It is motivating, fun and brilliant! Get started!

I don’t remember where I first learned about it, but I became so hooked, that for Halloween I dressed up as Mojo, one of the app’s monster avatars.  That’s me, on the right, in costume.  I purchased about 4 yards of lime green felt and some foam and whipped up a costume that only my 23 third graders recognized.  Two years ago I met the developers of the application at a free-drinks mixer in Palm Springs, after a day of CUE conference workshops.  I was very impressed by these two young men that sincerely wanted to help teachers.  At least one, I recall, had a mom that was a teacher.  They asked, “how else can we help?”  They are still asking, and are continually improving this application.



Here is a list of its many amazing features:

  • Each time you give a positive dojo, (point) the app “dings!”
  • Easy parent sign up, teachers can send home access codes for parents or they can sign up parents with their emails or phone numbers
  • From home, students can personalize their avatars
  • Teachers can customize behavior goals to meet class/student needs
  • Behaviors can be weighted +1-5 points or -1-5 points
  • Parents can check on their child’s progress throughout the day
  • Parents are automatically sent weekly reports
  • Teachers can send messages with reports to parents
  • Teachers can send instant messages to one parent or all parents – great for reminders
  • Parents can choose a translation button to get messages in another language, (French, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, and Turkish)
  • Teacher resources include:  ClassDojo Back to School Night presentation for parents, introduction video for students, downloadable poster and awards, invites for parents, and there’s a demo class to play with
  • Teachers can give points quickly by selecting multiple students or give group points
  • There’s a random button for fun
  • Multiple teachers can award points to same class
  • Teachers sharing a class cannot see each other’s messages to parents, and parents can message any teacher in shared class
  • Teachers can see when parents have viewed their messages
  • ClassDojo works on iOS/Android devices or web browser
  • NEW Class Story feature is like a message feed where teachers can send messages with pictures and video to share what’s going on in class
  • NEW Big Ideas* are growth mindset videos (5 episodes) they teach that challenging things help brains grow stronger – Sneak peak
  • Parents love ClassDojo!
  • It’s free!

*ClassDojo in partnership with psychologist, Carol Dweck’s Stanford lab, PERTS, 2016.

So, when are you going to get your ClassDojo on?

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