Humboldt County Math Educators Collaborative

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Humboldt County Math Educators Collaborative

Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Registration Link
Shannon Morago

Humboldt County Math Educators Collab

  • Engage with planning, implementing, and assessing district adopted mathematics curriculum
  • Experience strategies related to student engagement, equity, and assessment
  • Explore the 2023 California Mathematics Framework and district goals
  • Refine effective teaching practices for all students through focused cycle of inquiry
  • All Humboldt math educators welcome!
  • Space limited to 40 educators.
  • Induction Integration for new teachers with support for their ePortfolios
  • Attendance can be in-person or virtual
  • Workshop series is FREE!


Join Us at: HCOE- Redwood Room (HERC ) and Hybrid from 4:30-6:30 pm

Math Workshop Sessions for All Registrants:
Mon 10/16 BIG Ideas and Mathematics Framework Intro
Tues 11/28 Math Concepts through Visualization
Tues 2/06 Selecting Tasks
Tues 3/05 Assessment and Feedback
Tues 4/09 Reflection/ Student work share out

One Cal Poly Unit available for purchase ($50) for those that attend all Math sessions

Shannon Morago, HCOE STEM Learning Specialist:

Mary Ann Sheridan, NCSOE Induction Program Coordinator: