History, Hope, and Healing: Settle Up and Social Emotional Curriculum (ACES)

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History, Hope, and Healing: Settle Up and Social Emotional Curriculum (ACES)

This event is part of a series
Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Melodie George-Moore and Natalie Carpenter-Scott
Spaces Left
Sharrone Blanck

Series Overview

Chag Lowry, Marnie Atkins, Melodie George-Moore, Natalie Carpenter-Scott, Maggie Peters, Tina West, Vincent Feliz, Skip Lowry and MerryKate Lowry will support teachers, aides and all school staff with understanding, utilizing and applying local indigenous worldviews, curriculum, literature and resources to support the full humanity of our students while meeting state educational standards.

Students, families and community members are encouraged to attend.

Resources provided to attendees include the Northwest Indigenous Gold Rush History book and a handout showing how the featured curriculum is aligned with CA state standards.

There are five sessions, each Tuesday in March. Attend any or all. Certificates for attending all five sessions (7.5 hours) of this professional development will be provided the first week of April by Sharrone Blanck. Register for each session you attend individually to get the Zoom links. Click on the links below to register for each session.

March 8 Session Details

The focus is to show how true healing begins to occur when this history is brought to the light and discussed in personal terms for its impact on people, on the land, and current events. Various methods employed in the classroom to address historical and other traumas will be discussed but an emphasis on the tool of Mediation/Settle Up will be highlighted. Settling up is a local traditional practice of taking ownership over things you may have done wrong to a person or the community, or to pay respect to others for various reasons.

Register for this event

Registration is closed for this event.