Culturally Sensitive Curriculum: Using the Curriculum You Have to Teach using Anti Bias Language – Zoom

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Culturally Sensitive Curriculum: Using the Curriculum You Have to Teach using Anti Bias Language – Zoom

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Jade Tyner
Sharrone Blanck

Photo of Jade TynerAiy-yu-quee nek-new Jade Tyner, Morek mey’-wo-mech-okw Redding okw esee keech tey-we-mehl-kok. (Hello my name is Jade, I’m from the Yurok village of Morekw. I live in Redding and I’m very happy to be here).

Over three years ago the American Indian Advisory was formed at the urging of a beloved community member, aawok Rod Lindsay. He approached Judy Flores on her first day as superintendent and shared his concerns about our native students. Chronic absenteeism and student/family disconnect from schools were the main issues. As a result, the Shasta County American Indian Advisory was formed. Local tribal people, community organizations, educators, and SCOE employees make up the advisory.

Jade Tyner is providing this learning session to talk about the language we use in our classrooms, the embedded language in our textbooks and materials, AND to bring to light the implicit and unconscious biases within ourselves and our curriculum.

An easy way to look at the materials in your classroom is to start looking at the language in your textbooks. Sometimes it’s really just as simple as applying some common sense and sometimes it’s a little more complex.  Please join us.

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