California Transition Alliance Workshop

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California Transition Alliance Workshop

Thursday, Nov 2, 2023
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Sue Sawyer & Vicki Shadd
Registration Link
Heather Snipes

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Event Overview

This interactive and reflective workshop will assist transition planning teams in the design of youth-centered supports in the Individual Education Program (IEP) that is compliant with current legal mandates and promotes readiness for college, career, and life beyond high school.

Information, mandates, and best practices that will be shared during this workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Federal and State Legislation on Aligned with Transition
  • Predictors of Positive Outcomes in Employment, Education and Independent Living
  • Write Measurable Post-secondary Goals
  • Course of Study
  • Student, Family, and Agency participation in the IEP
  • The High School Diploma (including the Alternative Pathway to a Diploma for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities)
  • Common IEP Terminology 

It is encouraged that teams from early childhood education to post-high school educators, administrators, agency representatives, and community partners attend this workshop to work collaboratively to support transition planning.

We are committed to ensuring that our event is accessible and inclusive to all participants. If you require any reasonable accommodations to participate fully, please let us know by contacting the SIP team at:

Lunch will be provided.

Event hosted by Humboldt County Office of Education and the Supporting Inclusive Practices Grant (SIP)

Funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division

CA Transition Alliance Workshop Featured Speakers