AME Demo Day

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AME Demo Day

Wednesday, Mar 10, 2021
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Johanna Mauro
Registration Link
California Dept. of Ed
Johanna Mauro

AME Demo Day – Design for Learning in Media Arts, Animation, and Game Design

Who: This session is designed for teachers and administrators who currently run a pathway or are interested in designing and creating an AME pathway (Arts, Media, Entertainment) at your school/district that includes courses focused on Media Arts, Animation, or Game Design.

What: The Arcata Arts Institute (Arcata) and CAST Academy at Balboa HS (San Francisco), with support from the CA Department of Education,  have partnered to produce a pathway focused Demo Day, including brief program overviews, student showcase and breakout discussions. The Arcata Arts Institute provides a model of a program from a high school in a rural/suburban area. Using AME/CTE standards and 11 Essential Qualities of a High Performing Program as alignment tools, AAI has demonstrated over the years how to build industry connected experiences and opportunities with partners in a rural context. CAST Academy at Balboa provides a model of a program from a high school in an urban area. Using California Partnership Academies guidelines, AME/CTE standards, and 11 Essential Qualities of a High Performing Program, CAST Academy has demonstrated how to build industry connected experiences and opportunities in an urban context. Both programs will compare and contrast their experiences in building and growing their programs over the years, and how the broad field and understanding of design has helped shape facilities, program structure and offerings, framing, and learning outcomes. The session will have dedicated time for questions and shared discussion. We look forward to sharing and meeting with you.

Event Timing: March 10th, 2021 4:30-6:30pm


A Zoom link will be sent to you the day before the event. 

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