Rainbow Professional Learning Community
First Thursday of the Month • Jan. 6 – May 5, 2022
4:00-5:30pm on Zoom
The Rainbow PLC is a group of one to two school employees from each Humboldt County school or district who come together once a month to focus on topics related to Two-Spirit, Transgender, Nonbinary, Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay and Queer (queer for short) inclusion and belonging in our schools. The group works together on creating systemic change by supporting one another. The needs and priorities of each district may be unique, so the group will focus on fostering and empowering internal leadership within the schools for improving instruction and school culture for queer students, staff, families and community members.
Liaisons will report back to their district in order to move projects forward based on the needs and priorities of their individual districts. Examples may include professional development, parent education, student facing supports such as a panel of queer speakers, increasing queer representation in instructional materials, updating district forms to include more than two gender options, etc.
Audience: One to two staff liaisons from each school or district in Humboldt County. Liaisons are encouraged to commit for all five dates so there is a stable cohort. Districts are encouraged to offer stipends for participants.
When: The first Thursday of the month from 4pm to 5:30pm beginning January 6, 2022 ending May 5, 2022. Series of five meetings. (1/6/22, 2/3/22, 3/3/22, 4/7/22, 5/5/22)
Lark Doolan led his first training on supporting gender expansive youth in 2011 when a student of his came out as gender fluid and he realized educators needed more support in creating welcoming schools. Since then he’s lead workshops/trainings across California on queer topics in schools. As the Executive Director of Queer Humboldt and as an out transgender district superintendent, Lark is passionate about equity, inclusion, and building communities that value diversity.
Queer Humboldt is a BIPOC lead organization, dedicated to centering marginalized people within the LGBTQ2+ community. The board uses an equity lens to focus on intersectional queer liberation in Humboldt County, centering the voices, needs and goals of BIPOC community members. It is an anti-recist, anti-colonialist resource center serving queer individuals and groups in Humboldt County and the surrounding tribal areas through community education, affordable mental health servics, mico grants, networking and more.
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