For 3-5th Grade Teachers and Librarians-Dignity and Justice for All Dr. Debbie Reese
$60 register by 2.12.21, or $75 until 2.26
Join the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for Dignity and Justice for All: Stories of Protest, Resistance, and Change. The Kennedy Library invites teachers of grades 3 – 8 and school librarians to this virtual conference on March 24, 2021.
Those who have experienced discrimination have taken great risks to demand dignity and justice. How can literature help students better understand historical and contemporary struggles for freedom and equality? How have people from underrepresented groups made their voices heard in social and political movements? How can stories of civic action empower young people to exercise their rights and take on responsibilities for working toward a better world?
Join keynote speaker Dr. Debbie Reese and award-winning authors Jabari Asim, Anne Bausum, and Doreen Rappaport to discover both literature and strategies for helping young people create change in the world.
Registration information:
The conference fee is $60 until February 12, 2021, then $75 until the registration deadline: February 26, 2021. Registrations are accepted in the order in which they are received.