Steelhead in the Classroom – New Teacher Training ZOOM
Tuesday, Nov 10, 2020
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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Event Full
Olivia Kernen
Join HCOE and California Fish and Wildlife in an introductory training for participation in the 2020-21 Steelhead in the Classroom Program. Steelhead in the Classroom is a program that allows students to experience firsthand the delicate balance needed for animals to survive in aquatic ecosystems. Using eggs provided by Mad River Hatchery, classes set-up and maintain an aquarium for the purpose of observing the development of fish from the eyed-egg stage until they become young fry. This unique experience engages students in learning experiences across a vast array of curricula such as life stages of a trout, the importance of clean water, watershed management, healthy fish habitat, and indigenous traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) for our rivers and ocean. The object of this training is to enable teachers to participate in this unique learning experience for their students. Successful completion of this training program is required to participate in the program.
All K-12 teachers are welcome to participate in this free training. Participation in the program is also free.
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