NIEA Blanket Exercise: Indigenous Empowerment and Resilience Training

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NIEA Blanket Exercise: Indigenous Empowerment and Resilience Training

Thursday, Nov 30, 2023
9:00 am - 2:30 pm
Dr. Staci Block, San Diego County Office of Education, National Indian Education Association Consultants & Nicole Lim Myers, California Indian Museum and Cultural Center
Registration Link
Alicia Moyer
(858) 295-8981
SDCOE/CIEFA are working with the National Indian Education Association to facilitate an Indigenous Empowerment and Resilience Training and Blanket Exercise. The Kairos Blanket Exercise program is a unique, participatory history lesson — developed in collaboration with Indigenous Elders, knowledge keepers and educators — that fosters truth, understanding, respect and reconciliation among Indigenous and non indigenous peoples. The Blanket Exercise is an experiential learning tool that leads a group of participants through 500+ years of Indigenous history that highlights our relationship with European explorers, colonial settlers, and the U.S. federal and state governments. The Blanket Exercise was first created in Canada and has been used to educate general populations there and in the United States and in many other parts of the world. The Exercise does engage participants both intellectually and emotionally and can in some instances effect individuals deeply.
Who Should Attend?
K-12 Educators, K-12 Administrators, Librarians, District AI/AN Education Directors, Title VI TOSAs, Tribal Education Directors, Tribal education staff, and Title VI Leaders
All in-person Blanket Exercises will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. PDT
Select the date you would like to register for below.