Lessons on Sacrifice and Selflessness: The Medal of Honor Character Development Program

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Lessons on Sacrifice and Selflessness: The Medal of Honor Character Development Program

Thursday, Feb 27, 2014
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

edWeb.net and Medal of Honor Foundation | Lessons of Personal Bravery and Self-Sacrifice

The Medal of Honor Character Development Program is a free resource that teaches character through stories of the Medal of Honor recipients.

The CDP is a cross-curriculum supplement and complies with National/State Common Core standards. The Medal of Honor Character Development Program incorporates the ideals of courage and selfless service into the middle and high school curriculum to build character and promote responsible citizenship.

Under a grant from the General Electric Foundation, the Medal of Honor Foundation worked with the Erie and Wattsburg Area School Districts in Pennsylvania and a group of educators for more than two years to establish Medal of Honor-related lesson plans drawing upon the ideals embodied in the Medal of Honor, and their application in daily life.

Request your FREE DVD copies of the Medal of Honor Foundation Character Development Program here.

“The Medal of Honor Character Development Program is a resource designed by educators to provide middle and high school students with an appreciation of the important virtues of courage, sacrifice, and patriotism as seen in the lives of real heroes and to explore how these values can be exemplified in daily life. I endorse this program.”

— William J. Bennett,
Former Secretary of Education

“I wish these [Medal of Honor recipients] were the stars of baseball cards in this country… I wish kids grew up knowing these Recipients’ stats. We’re trying to spread the word about what kind of citizens these are; we’re trying to spread the word that these qualities will help you in many ways. So we had this theory… that you could use these Recipients as a teaching tool.”

— Brian Williams,
Anchor and Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News

Free webinar

Lessons on Sacrifice and Selflessness:
The Medal of Honor Character Development Program

Thursday, February 27th at 3PM ET


Hosted by Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation

This webinar will present the Medal of Honor Character Development Program (CDP) – a free resource for teachers that includes over 50 lesson plans and 100 video vignettes on the character traits of courage, integrity, sacrifice, commitment, citizenship, and patriotism, based on the Medal of Honor Recipients’ stories.

In this webinar, Noel Wall from the Medal of Honor Foundation will take a closer look at the CDP curriculum, sharing examples of lesson plans highlighting sacrifice and selflessness. She will review a lesson plan on a Medal of Honor Recipient and one on a Citizen Hero Awardee, a local hometown American hero, recognized for her selfless service by the Medal of Honor Recipients themselves.

The webinar will be an in-depth discussion of these two lesson plans that use primary source material and content rich non-fiction, plus a brief video of a Medal of Honor Recipient. The CDP is a free cross-curricular resource for middle and high school students, compatible with National/State Common Core Standards.

Presented by Noel Wall

Noel Wall works as the Director of Development and Education for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, and in this role supports the Foundation’s Character Development Program.

Previously, Noel served as an Adjunct Faculty Member in the English Department at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. Concurrently, she served as a Faculty Fellow in the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics on The Citadel’s campus. 

Prior to her time at The Citadel, Noel taught English and Composition at the University of Tennessee

In case you missed our previous webinar

Lessons on Courage, Integrity, and Good Citizenship:
The Medal of Honor Character Development Program

Hosted by Kathy Bell, Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation

View the recording

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Lessons of Personal Bravery and Self-Sacrifice:

The Medal of Honor Character Development Program

This professional learning community, hosted by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, highlights a free character education program that includes lesson plans, video vignettes, webinars and primary source documents for secondary school teachers to use in the classroom as examples of courage, integrity, and good citizenship. The program is built on the premise that all people have within them the capacity for extraordinary bravery and selfless service.

This free program includes 50+ lesson plans supported by over 100 video vignettes of the Medal of Honor Recipients themselves, as well as videos of hometown heroes selected by the Medal of Honor Recipients as “Citizen Heroes”.

Select webinars will feature Medal of Honor Recipients discussing the importance of character in young people today. The webinars will be facilitated by an educator from the Medal of Honor Foundation and will include demonstrations on how to use the curriculum in the classroom.

This community provides a forum for collaboration and discussion with experts and peers about why character is important for us all—but especially for today’s students who are tomorrow’s leaders. Character is best taught by example…and there are no greater examples than our nation’s true heroes.

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