Integrating Technology into the Writing Process

By focusing on the ways in which technology can be purposely woven into the teaching of writing, this online course will help teachers to develop more comfort with using technology, to have better success in meeting Common Core Standards, to improve the quality of student writing, to create opportunities for collaboration and active learning, and improve student engagement.
This online professional development opportunity will support teacher practice immediately by providing opportunities to identify, implement, and troubleshoot ways technology can be integrated into teachers’ current lessons and projects. This online opportunity is asynchronous and open to all teachers from K through college.
Dates: January 12th-March 16th
Fee: $100
Place: Online!
Register: At
Credit: Two units of optional university credit available from HSU Extended Education for an additional $160 (contact RWP for more information)
For more information, please call Redwood Writing Project at (707) 826-5109, send us an email at, or visit our web site at