HCOE Professional Development Calendar Switch to List View Submit Your Event HCOE Community Calendar All Event Tags Teachers 3-5 Teachers 6-8 Teachers Students Pre-Service Preschool K-12 Teachers Administrators Instructional Assistants Other Classified Staff Special Education Staff Board Members Parents After School Providers Higher Education 4-8th Grade Teachers K-2nd Grade Teachers Care Providers Public Health K-16 Teachers 4-6th Grade Teachers TK & Kindergarten Teachers General Public Library Support Staff K-8th Grade Teachers 9-12th Grade Teachers School Safety Representatives Volunteer Opportunity English Teachers Law Enforcement Community Partners Site Council Members School Psychologist Speech and Language K-12 Music Teachers Food Service Staff K-12 Visual Arts Teachers 2-3Teachers Nurses MFT LCSW Technology Coordinators Music Teachers By Invitation Only Early Childhood Educators 1st Grade Teachers Special Ed Teachers Physical Education Teachers Recreation Leaders 6th-12th Grade Teachers Mental Health Beginning Teachers School Counselor Coaches Teachers K-2nd American History Social Studies 5th-12th Grade Teachers CAASPP Coordinators Teachers K-8 Pre-K-2nd Grade Teachers Social Workers DHHS Tribal Agencies substitute Business Managers Superintendents ELA math ELPAC English Language Development CASA Probation AmeriCorp Support Staff Counselors Educational Technology Student Success Inclusion Personalized Learning Principals Visual and Performing Arts Career Technical Education environmental ed Facility Directors Staff that Supervise Employees and/or Conduct Investigations All school site and district administrators who have student discipline responsibilities Site Administrators HR Staff Title IX Coordinators Investigations Deputy or Assistant Administrators Certified Staff Instructional Coaches After School Program Educators Expanded Learning Programs Educators Summer Program Staff Principal Special Education Staff Supporting Students with ASD Paraprofessionals School Staff psy Program Directors Special Ed Admin Behaviorist School Staff Members Outdoor Based Instruction Project Learning Tree Collaboration Networking Problem Solving/Strategies Festivals and Events Planning MTSS team including staff involved in MTSS SEL curriculum and instruction mental health supports PBIS restorative practices expanded learning CHKS Coordinators LCAP Coordinators and Counselors Substitutes Educational Personnel Mandatory Training TK-12 Science Educators and Administrators Expository Reading & Writing 7th – 12th Grade Teachers nonformal educators substitute teachers instructional aides Jo Boaler NCTIP youcubed LEA and Testing Coordinator CAASPP Guided Reading Small Group Instruction Differentiation Fountas and Pinnell K-5 teachers reading specialists TK-2 Teachers Special Educaton Teachers Elementary Administrators CBOs HR Departments mindset math Boaler playful math Nutrition Visual and Performing Arts Teachers Resource Teachers Reading Specialist distance learning website Supervisors Family Services Workers Online Learning Hybrid Learning Blended Learning Teachers grades TK-12 Instructional Leaders Deans Human Resources Native United Indian Health Data Literacy Integrated ELD: for all lessons that educators give with at least one student designated EL Designated ELD: for students designated EL Families Community Members College Access Staff High School Superintendents High School Principals Environmental Literacy Speech Language Pathologist Cal Poly Humboldt Teaching Credentials Garden Coordinators Speech-Language Pathologists TK-3 Teachers Community School Coordinators Food Service Directors CSPP TK Home-based Care Early Childhood Special Education Teaching Charter Directors School Business Officials All Event Categories #0066b5 - Administrators#654370 - English Language Arts (ELA) #a8d144 - Writing #654370 - Reading #a8d144 - Speaking #a8d144 - Listening#a8d144 - Health / P.E.#a8d144 - History / Social Studies (HSS)#a8d144 - Instruction #a8d144 - Differentiating Instruction #a8d144 - Instructional Coaching#FFFFFF - School Safety and Prevention #a8d144 - CPI#a8d144 - Special Education #a8d144 - SELPA #a8d144 - Accommodations#0066b5 - Educational Technology #FFFFFF - Tech Thursday#FFFFFF - Visual / Performing Arts #a8d144 - Music Education #a8d144 - Theatre/Drama #a8d144 - Visual Arts #a8d144 - Media Arts #a8d144 - Dance#a8d144 - Early Childhood #a8d144 - Transitional Kindergarten #a8d144 - Infant/Toddler #a8d144 - Preschool #267f3d - CPIN #36afaf - Family Child Care#a8d144 - Mental Health#a8d144 - Beginning Teachers#a8d144 - Library#a8d144 - Nutrition#a8d144 - Wellness#0066b5 - Curriculum#3e0056 - Multilingual/Language Learner Services #796aa5 - English Language Development (ELD) #a8d144 - Spanish #a8d144 - ELPAC #3e0056 - English Learners (EL) #a8d144 - World Languages#e34fcc - Series #a8d144 - Redwood Writing Project Series#a8d144 - Grant Writing#a8d144 - STEM/STEAM #a8d144 - STEAM#a8d144 - Math#a8d144 - Science/Environmental Education #a8d144 - Environmental Education #a8d144 - Geology #a8d144 - Marine Ecology #a8d144 - Botany #a8d144 - Conservation #a8d144 - Environmental Literacy #a8d144 - Physical Science#a8d144 - Assessment #a8d144 - SBAC #FFFFFF - SPSA#a8d144 - Legal #a8d144 - Suspension and Expulsion #a8d144 - Suicide Prevention#a8d144 - Diagnosis and Intervention#a8d144 - MTSS #a8d144 - Classroom Management #a8d144 - PBIS #a8d144 - Behavioral#a8d144 - Foster/Homeless#a8d144 - Paraprofessional#a8d144 - Substitute Teaching#a8d144 - LGBTQ#a8d144 - Equity#a8d144 - Suicide Prevention#a8d144 - Creativity#a8d144 - Speech#a8d144 - Charter Schools#a8d144 - CalPads#a8d144 - Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) #a8d144 - Character Development #a8d144 - Mindfulness#a8d144 - School Climate#FFFFFF - Eco Event#a8d144 - Universal Design#a8d144 - Human Resources #a8d144 - CALSTRS#a8d144 - Parents#a8d144 - Literacy#3e5062 - Zoom Conferences#a8d144 - Webinars#a8d144 - Trauma#3e5062 - Expanded Learning #3e5062 - After School Programs#179aa4 - Career Technical Education #f26f26 - Career / Vocational #a5ce39 - Business#55789d - DHHS/Social Services#3b536c - Digital Citizenship #a8d144 - Cyber Bullying #3b536c - Media and Information Literacy#267f3d - BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) #a8d144 - Local Tribes #a8d144 - Latino/a/x/e#0066b5 - Virtual/Online Learning#4f6173 - PLCs#FFFFFF - Continuous Improvement#FFFFFF - Accountability#a8d144 - College Access#a8d144 - Financial Aid#a8d144 - Sub Orientations#FFFFFF - HCOE Equity Series#a8d144 - CCSPP#FFFFFF - Community Schools Series#a8d144 - Global Classroom Connect