Speaking, Listening, and the Common Core in K-16

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Speaking, Listening, and the Common Core in K-16

This event is part of a series
Saturday, Oct 17, 2015
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Dr. Armeda Reitzel
HSU Extended Education
Dr. Armeda Reitzel

 “Speaking, Listening and the Common Core in K-16”,

Fall semester 2015 through Extended Education at HSU.

The course will take place at HSU on three Saturdays:

Oct. 17, Oct. 24, and Nov. 7. 2015.  9am – 2pm

There is a credit option for teachers who want to earn one semester unit.
The course numbers are:  EED X701-1 (CRN 47434) for Elementary School Teachers and SED X701-1 (CRN 47435) for Secondary School Teachers.
Course Description:
This course covers the principles and practices of communication in understanding and delivering oral presentations and provides tools for teaching speaking and listening in grades K16.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the course, the student will:
● Explain the communication process.
● Identify the different forms and contexts of communication.
● Describe the importance and impact of verbal communication.
● Describe the importance and impact of nonverbal communication.
● Describe the importance and impact of culture and cocultures on communication.
● Explain the listening process.