Cal Poly Humboldt Native American Studies Summer 2022
NAS 306: Indigenous Peoples of America
Professor: Dr. Marshall
Traditional cultures, historical development, and contemporary social and political situations
NAS 200: Indigenous Peoples of U.S. History
Professor: Dr. Begay
How U.S. policies governing tribes are shaped by societal views of Indigenous Peoples. Analyze document following history of Federal Indian policy. Interactions among diverse Native, European, African and Asian Americans.
NAS 104: Intro to Native American Studies
Professor: Dr. Risling Baldy, Hupa, Yurok and Karuk
Origins and development of content/method in NAS. Contrast the field with adjoining and contributing disciplines (anthropology, history, sociology, and humanities)
NAS 322: Environmental Justice
Professor: Dr. Baldy
Issues/concerns that led to Executive Order 12898 (environmental policies and conflicts between industries and those seeking environmental protection, including Alaska Native villages, “lower 48” tribes, grassroots community organization).Traditional cultures, historical development, and contemporary social and political situations
Step 1:
Complete the interest form to request sponsorship!
Step 2:
Request for sponsorship reviewed by Tribal Education Staff
Step 3:
The Tribal Education Staff will notify you if you request if approved
Step 4:
Tribal Education Staff will provide you support with the official registration process
Step 5:
Join the course taught by Indigenous faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt at no cost to you!
For more information, contact your high school site, Tribal Education staff