Native American Report Card Roundtable
The event will be hosted by the Northern California Indian Development Council. The Speakers will include Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy, the Chair of the Native American Studies Dept. at HSU, and Dr. Virgil Moorhead Jr., the Director of Two Feathers Native American Family Services. We plan on having a dialogue about solutions to the problems addressed in the report. All superintendents, K-12 Teachers, school staff, and Tribal leaders and Tribal Education Directors have been invited from Humboldt and Del Norte Counties.
Here is the link to the report. I look forward to seeing you there.
See Failing Grade: The Status of Native American Education in Humboldt County:
Here is the Zoom link for Dec. 3rd Roundtable:
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 821 4944 0803Passcode: s2Gj3h
We do plan on recording the event, but not the Q & A, and will have a Roundtable Discussion Part 2 scheduled in January.
Rain L. Marshall, JD
Indigenous Education Advocate
NCIDC/ACLU of Northern California
(707) 498-6292