Do we have to adopt from the State Board of Education adoption list? Districts are no longer limited to those materials however they must provide evidence to their Board that the prospective “off list” materials adequately address the standards.
Is there a deadline that we must adopt by? There is no specific date indicated by CDE. Districts are encouraged to make a thoughtful choice and to provide teachers and students with quality materials.
How do we dispose of previous adoptions? Do they still spark joy? We’d love to hear what you’ve done with your old textbooks
First Steps...Creating a district lens
The tools from the California Curriculum Collaborative can guide your district in identifying your priorities for curriculum adoption, including a timeline, student needs, teacher strengths, and values. Contact if you’d like someone to facilitate this step for you.
Include your stakeholders!
EC Section 60002 states the following: “Each district board shall provide for substantial teacher involvement in the selection of instructional materials and shall promote the involvement of parents and other members of the community in the selection of instructional materials.”
Learning Resources Display Center (LRDC)
Housed inside our HERC building is the LRDC. Drop in or make an appointment for a District team to review submitted and adopted instructional materials and resources.

Ready to pilot or adopt, or just have questions about the materials?
What Humboldt Teachers & Admin Are Saying
“We are piloting the Education and the Environment curriculum and love it. The modules are correlated with CCSS and teach select H-SS standards to mastery. In a multiple grades classroom, we find that we are ALWAYS teaching select standards in H-SS and Science. ”
“The way the lessons are paced I feel like I can never complete everything.”
“I appreciate the willingness of the Amplify rep to explore creative ways to maximize our limited funds for science materials at our small district”