I just read a great article from the founder of littleBits, Ayah Bdeir.  I’m on the email list because we have one of the education managers, Erin Mulcahy, as our keynote for the STEAM conference, January 6-7. Ayah links a passage in “To Kill A Mockingbird” with future success and helping kids innovate. You can read the entire article here: http://littlebits.cc/careers-of-2030

If you’re thinking about attending the STEAM conference, I encourage you to consider participating in the Reuse STEAM Education Professional Development Module I’m developing for the state organization, CCSESA (CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association). The module workshops are no charge and the state will also pay for your STEAM conference registration for participating!

I’ve partnered with SCRAP Humboldt to design STEAM units in K-2, 3rd-5th and 6th-8th. Allison Poklemba of CREEC (California Regional Environmental Education Community) http://creec.org/region1/default.htm,  Tibora Girczyc-Blum of SCRAP http://scraphumboldt.org/ and I have designed a 6 hour workshop for each grade cluster integrating Environmental Education, NGSS, ISTE, Math, and Arts standards.Workshops will take place at SCRAP Humboldt on three different Thursdays in October. Teachers are asked to pilot the unit in their classes and give feedback before the module is submitted to the state.

K-2 will focus on paper: how it’s made, how it can be recycled and making paper from recycled paper to create an art piece. 3rd – 5th will focus on plastic’s journey and a design challenge that is documented through google slides. 6th – 8th will focus on cotton from seed to t-shirt, solve a design challenge and then prepare a website, jingle or brochure to “sell” the product. Go to http://www.my.hcoe.net to register for all workshops. Call or email Stacy Young 707-445-7077 or syoung@hcoe.org for more information.